


AALAS meeting – November 4-8, 2012 in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Deadline for Applications: April 1, 2012
The Americas Regional Committee (ARC) of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS) announces three Travel Fellowship Awards sponsored by PMI Nutrition International, LLC-LabDiet®, Charles River’s Commitment to Humane Animal Research Through Excellence and Responsibility (CHARTER) Program, and Lab Products, Inc. One award is available to an individual from a member country of the Central American, Caribbean and Mexican Laboratory Animal Science Association (ACCMAL). These are Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, El Salvador and Honduras. One award is available to an individual from member countries of the Federation of South American Societies and Associations of Laboratory Animal Science Specialists (FESSACAL). These are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. One award will go to the best remaining candidate from all applicants, regardless of his or her country. Each award will sponsor an individual to travel to and participate in the national meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) to be held on November 4-8, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. 
The AALAS meeting is the largest laboratory animal science meeting in the world. It includes seminars, workshops, special topic lectures, platform sessions, and poster sessions on laboratory animal diseases, biology, experimental techniques, and animal models. The learning resources / technology center includes a variety of videos and computer based programs. Each year there is an extensive commercial exhibit which contains the latest in equipment and ancillary items for the care and use of laboratory animals.
The recipient should be a biomedical scientist, facility manager or veterinarian involved with experimental animals who is a member of his or her local or regional laboratory animal science organization. The individual should be a person with the potential to make significant contributions to the teaching, research, or organizational aspects of laboratory animal science in his or her country. Preference is given to individuals who otherwise would not have funding for international travel to a scientific meeting of this kind.
Each award consists of a monetary award (up to a maximum of $2,000) to be used for costs of air travel, housing, and meeting registration associated with the annual AALAS meeting. In addition, a $500 honorarium will be provided for each recipient to cover costs of meals, local travel, incidentals and any other expenses. The awards will be presented at the 2012 AALAS meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Nominations or applications should be written in English and consist of:
·               A cover letter, which should include the candidate’s career goals and a statement with detailed information on the reasons why the candidate is interested in attending the AALAS Annual Meeting. This statement should indicate what he/she is hoping to gain, how he/she would use the knowledge and experience to be acquired, how that knowledge would be disseminated, where and to whom, and what benefits will be derived.
·               A curriculum vitae, maximum of 10 pages in length, with emphasis on laboratory animal science training and experience.
·               Proof of proficiency in the English language.
·               A letter of recommendation from the employer.
·               At least one letter of recommendation from an individual familiar with the qualifications and professional interests and activities of the candidate.
·               A letter from the applicant’s local or regional association assuring their current membership.
Complete nominations or applications should be submitted by mail, E-mail or FAX to:
Dr. Cynthia Pekow
Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, (151)
1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle, Washington, USA 98108
Email: cpekow@uw.edu FAX: 206-768-5358
Deadline for submission of applications is April 30, 2012. The decision of the committee will be communicated before May 30, 2012.
Questions can be addressed to any of the following ICLAS Americas Regional Committee members and association contacts:
Ekaterina Rivera, Brazil, e.rivera@uol.com.br
Cynthia Pekow, USA, cpekow@uw.edu
Cecilia Carbone, Argentina, ccarbone@fcv.unlp.edu.ar
Liliana Pazos, Costa Rica, liliana.pazos@ucr.ac.cr
Octavio Villanueva, Mexico, octavio610216@aim.com
Adela Rosenkranz, Argentina (AACyTAL), rosenkranza@yahoo.com.ar
Juan Baamonde, Chile, jmbaamonde@cecs.cl
Alejandro Hernandez, Colombia, aramirezhe@unal.edu.co
Rafael Hernandez, Mexico (ACCMAL/ACMAL), rhernandez57@prodigy.net.mx
Alba Salvarrey and Alejandra Romera (FESSACAL), alba.salvarrey@aol.com

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